FileNet Content Engine Upgrade From v5.1 to v5.2.1
Recently I got an opportunity to work on FileNet upgrade. We have upgraded FileNet P8 v5.1 to v5.2.1. I would like to share my experience.FileNet Environment Details:
Unix, SQL Server, AD, WAS NDFileNet Upgrade Approach:
There are two ways to implement the upgrade- In-place upgrade
- Clone & upgrade
We have chosen the clone & upgrade path.
- It will not disturb the existing setup
- Need to spend more on infrastructure
- Need to spend more efforts in cloning the environment
FileNet Upgrade Execution:
We can divide the tasks into.
1. Cloning the environment -
- Copy the CE, PE and AE folders
- Copy the CE, PE databases
- Configure and deploy the applications
- For PE need to change the pointers from a source server to a destination server
2. Verify the cloned environment
- start the CE, PE and AE
- Check the functionality is working as expected
3. Install the FileNet v5.2.1
- Follow the installation instructions and install the 5.2.1 on the destination server
- Configure and deploy the CE
4. Upgrade Content Engine
- Upon starting the CE the platform will run the auto-upgrade tool
- The progress is monitored using http://server_name:port/FileNet/AutomaticUpgradeStatus
5. upgrade Process Engine
- IBM provided peupgrade tool for PE upgrade.
- Prepare the PE databases for upgrade
- Open the tool and provide the details.
- Run the tool. PE upgrade will take a while compared to CE upgrade.
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