Saturday, October 2, 2010

FileNet Application Engine Architecture

Today I will discuss about the Application Engine architecture in the FileNet. The Application Engine represents the out-of-the-box user interface for the FileNet P8 platform. Workplace is the user interface for the FileNet P8 and it provides the folder based view of an FileNet P8 content repository along with various components like inbox, public queue and step processors. Based on the roles users can access the admin tools like Process Administrator, Process Confiugration Console and developer tools like Process Designer.

Major components of the Application Engine is application server, Java API and Component Integrator. Currently FileNet P8 is supporting the below application servers.
1. Websphere
2. Weblogic
3. JBoss
Java API is used to communicate with Content Engine and Process Engine. Workplace can be customized by using the WAT(Web Application Toolkit).
Component Integrator is used to integrate the custom components to the Process Engine. The component can be a jar file, web service or JMS. Component Manager is process engine component but hosted and managed on the application engine. By default IBM is providing the custom component for CE Operations for performing the basic Content Engine operations like copy, delete and moving documents etc.The Application Engine also supports the integration with Microsoft's Office and WebDAV.


  1. how to find the ae version

  2. Hello,

    Just come across your blog.. very interesting post..
    I'm wondering have you got the chance to install filenet ? if yes would you mind to share it with us ?

    Thanks very much.


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