Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bulk updates in FileNet

Bulk Updates in FileNet using FEM

Bulk updates are used in FileNet when there is a requirement to update a property of a large number of documents with the similar data. Suppose there is a requirement to update Document Type property of a particular document class as the document type values are revisited and updated, in this case, we can use the bulk update to update the document type property of the documents to a specified value.

Bulk update functionality is performed using FEM(FileNet Enterprise Manager) and either VBScript or JScript is used as a scripting language. In the FEM search window using the script tab we can execute this bulk update. In the script, tab check the Execute Script check box to enable the script area

to perform the property update use the below VBScript code

CEObject.properties.item("DocumentType").vlaue = "NewDocuemntType"

The above code is good at updating the single value properties but to update the multi-value properties we need to modify the code as below


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Important Filenet Tools

There are different tools are available in the FileNet to perform different activities. Below I have listed some of the important tools availablein the FileNet.
  1. FileNet Enterprise Manager 
  2. Process Designer 
  3. Process Task Manager
  4. Process Administrator
  5. Process Configuration Console 
  6. Process Tracker  
FileNet Enterprise Manager is the configuration and administration tool for Content Engine. FileNet Enterprise Manager is a Microsoft Windows application built using the .NET API and communicates with the Content Engine using the Web services interface.

FileNet Enterprise Manager supports the following actions:
  • Configuring all aspects of the domain and underlying object stores.
  • Defining custom metadata, such as classes, properties, templates, subscriptions, and event actions.
  • Assigning many aspects of security access rights.
  • Searching for and administering instances of documents, folders, and custom objects.
  • Exporting and Importing the metadata from one environment to another environment.
The Process Designer is a graphical tool provides the general process design capabilities where users  define or update their process flows. A workflow definition describes all

The Process Administrator tool lets an administrative user query the system for process instances and view the current state of those instances. Process Administrator provides a wide variety of options so we can search very precisely. Process Administrator supports following actions on the work in progress workflow items
  • Complete a step and send it on to the next step.
  • Modify workflow field values.
  • Assign users to or remove users from a workflow group.
  • Delete an entire workflow or one or more work items.
The Process Tracker tool can be launched to view the current and historical state of an individual process instance. Process Tracker provides the status of a workflow that is currently running in a graphical view. From the Process Tracker graphic view window, we can tell what steps have been completed in the workflow, when they were completed, and which steps are currently active.
The Process Configuration Console tool defines the rosters, queues, event logs, and various other system-related components. This is used to register the components. From the tool, you import service definitions for the component. You must create a component queue for each imported class and make the component queue operations available to use during a workflow design.

The Process Task Manager tool that is deployed with the Application Engine that can be used to start and stop the various server components, including the server itself. This is used to start, stop, and administer Component Managers. The component must be registered with a omponent Manager. Each Component Manager coordinates one or more components which are responsible for delivering events from the Process Engine to an external entity such as a Web service or a messaging system.This can be verified under the Required Libraries tab for the Component Manager.

How to find the WAS Console Port number

In WAS Server go to the below path <WebSphere Installation Path>/Profiles/<Dmgr profile name>/logs Check for " AboutTh...